Saturday, May 12, 2007

Process YO!

Wassup peoples, here is a little look into my process, and i promise the way that im producing work these days, this will be the first of many UPDATES from now on, So enjoy, cause the next time i post something, it will look 10 times better, HOLLA!


Saskia said...

Are these pencils oô ??? How can you work so clean with pencil, or is it ink?
Thank you for showing the progress behind your work, lines are stil some sort of mystery for me XDD I´m learning from you :D

Luis Mejía said...

your work is AMAZING!

Mikko said...

Found your blog from Cheeks bloglinks. Great, great drawings.

Chris Copeland said...

Wassup peoples, WOW! New people looking at my work, lol. THANKS Y'all.

Saskia: Naw babe, all Inks, i wish i could work like this with Pencils, lol. IM LEARNING!

Luis: Thanks man, im glad you stopped by, STAY TUNED!

Mikko: Thanks yo, yeah Cheeks has been helping me out in more ways than one for the last 3 years, lol. Thanks yo, PEACE!