Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cloptic BLAST!

This is a commission RE:DO for a guy on Deviantart named "chobiwan", i did one for him that got either stolen, or lost by the mailman, or whatever, i needed to do him another.

This was done with brush, Copic, Chalk White Pen (for BRIGHT WHITES!! White Prismacolor pencil for fades, and Sand Paper for some of the glow effect (new technique) and aimed my desk light for the light direction, picture taken on my iPhone 3GS for test, and im pretty impressed.

Things have BEEN CRAZY on my end prepping for the move, and i found myself feeling tired and exhausted, but im now rejuvenated, and will be sending out the commissions that i have owed people for a while...this being one of them.

Still finishing up my run with Wizards of the Coast, and hopefully i can update you guys when its all said and done.

Oh and Sam Liu, this is not the one that i wanted to show you, i;ll have to show you that one when im in LA, lol.



Tom said...

this is awesome! i would love to see you do full artwork on an x book, particularly with the characters looking like they did during the jim lee era.

Anonymous said...

haha either way this is sweet!